Terms of Use

FinDoctor.my is provided by FinDoc Sdn Bhd ("FinDoc", "we", "us" or "our").

By accessing, browsing or using this website, or any page thereof, or by using the facilities or services offered in or through the Website through alternative methods (including, for example, telephone, mail, email or facsimile), you accept and agree to be bound by these Terms of Use.

If you do not agree to these terms and conditions, you are not authorized to access or use the Websites and you are to cease accessing or otherwise using the Websites.

FinDoctor.my is an independent website that is free for use. The products and services provided on the site includes aggregation, reviews, guides, news, updates and application of Banking products and services.

The content on FinDoctor.my is provided "as is" for general information purposes only. It does not constitute advice nor does any part of the content constitute an open offer capable of forming the basis of a contract.

FinDoctor.my strives to ensure the information on this website is accurate and up to date. However, FinDoctor.my does not warrant or guarantee that anything written here is 100% accurate, timely, or relevant to the solution of any problem visitors may have. To the extent permitted by law, FinDoctor.my disclaims any and all warranties, express or implied, including those of merchantable quality or fitness for a particular purpose, with respect to the publication of this content.

FinDoctor.my may at times include statements, opinions, or views of third parties. While FinDoctor.my may occasionally refer to certain providers, products, or services by its name, it does not constitute an endorsement by FinDoctor.my. FinDoctor.my denies any and all liability or responsibility for any errors, inaccuracies, omissions, misleading or defamatory content.

FinDoctor.my specifically excludes liability for any loss or damage no matter how arising from the use of this website or of any information or services provided through this website.

FinDoctor.my reserves the right to update, amend or change the content of this website without notice. All copyrights are held by FinDoc Sdn Bhd. Any attempts to copy or reproduce any portion of this site (including information, styles, graphics, scripts) in part or in whole is protected by the copyright law. Anyone found in violation will be fully prosecuted of the law.

Credit Reporting Agency Terms and Conditions

Pursuant to the Credit Reporting Agencies (CRA) Act and Central Bank of Malaysia Act, any loan applications made on FinDoctor.my is an acknowledgement of consent for us, CTOS Data Systems Sdn Bhd ("CTOS"), and Experian Information Services (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd ("Experian") to process applicants’ personal data for the purpose of generating a credit report or for the purposes of obtaining regular score updates at any time and from time to time. CTOS and Experian are registered credit reporting agencies under the CRA Act and will be referred to as "Credit Reporting Agency".

By this consent, I understand and agree that:

  1. FinDoc (FinDoctor.my) and the Credit Reporting Agency may at their sole discretion at any time and from time-to-time conduct credit, CCRIS and DCHEQS checks from Bank Negara on me.

  2. I recognise that I have the option to unsubscribe from FinDoctor.my's services, after which they upon my written request will not be allowed to retain my personal data obtained from my personal credit report. Furthermore, by submitting my personal information to FinDoctor.my, I have read and hereby agree to the terms and conditions and further consent for FinDoctor.my to retain and use my personal information:

    1. To disclose my personal information to the Credit Reporting Agency to process, verify and obtain my credit information (including CCRIS and DCHEQS from Bank Negara Malaysia) at any time and from time to time to facilitate my credit score

    2. To create an ID user account with the Credit Reporting Agency to allow me to ensure the accuracy and recency of my credit report as per legislated under the Credit Reporting Agencies (CRA) Act 2010;

    3. To analyse my financial standing and wellbeing so that FinDoctor.my can provide customized and personalized financial plan to meet my objectives and needs; and

    4. To obtain my other personal information found on the database of the Credit Reporting Agency for the purposes of preparing my credit score report and to process and make recommendations to improve my credit health
